# Pomerium using Docker

In this quick-start document, we'll create a minimal but complete environment for running Pomerium with containers.

# Prerequisites

# Configure

  1. Create a configuration file (e.g config.yaml) for defining Pomerium's configuration settings, routes, and access policies. Consider the following example:

    # See detailed configuration settings : https://www.pomerium.com/docs/reference/
    # this is the domain the identity provider will callback after a user authenticates
    authenticate_service_url: https://authenticate.localhost.pomerium.io
    # Certificate settings:  https://www.pomerium.com/docs/reference/certificates.html #
    # The example below assumes a certificate and key file will be mounted to a volume #
    # available to the  Docker image.                                                  #
    certificate_file: /pomerium/cert.pem
    certificate_key_file: /pomerium/privkey.pem
    # Identity provider settings : https://www.pomerium.com/docs/identity-providers/ #
    # The keys required in this section vary depending on your IdP. See the          #
    # appropriate docs for your IdP to configure Pomerium accordingly.               #
    idp_provider: google
    idp_client_id: REPLACE_ME
    idp_client_secret: REPLACE_ME
    # Generate 256 bit random keys  e.g. `head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64`
    cookie_secret: V2JBZk0zWGtsL29UcFUvWjVDWWQ2UHExNXJ0b2VhcDI=
    # https://pomerium.com/reference/#routes
      - from: https://verify.localhost.pomerium.io
        to: http://verify:8000
          - allow:
                - email:
                    is: user@example.com
        pass_identity_headers: true

    Keep track of the path to this file, relative to the docker-compose.yml file created in the next step. docker-compose.yml will need the correct relative path to your config.yaml.

  2. Create or copy the following docker-compose.yml file and modify it to match your configuration, including the correct paths to your config.yaml and certificate files:

    version: "3"
        image: pomerium/pomerium:latest
          ## Mount your domain's certificates : https://www.pomerium.com/docs/reference/certificates
          - ./_wildcard.localhost.pomerium.io.pem:/pomerium/cert.pem:ro
          - ./_wildcard.localhost.pomerium.io-key.pem:/pomerium/privkey.pem:ro
          ## Mount your config file : https://www.pomerium.com/docs/reference/
          - ./config.yaml:/pomerium/config.yaml:ro
          - 443:443
      ## https://verify.localhost.pomerium.io --> Pomerium --> http://verify
        image: pomerium/verify:latest
          - 80

# Run

Run docker compose:

docker-compose up

Docker will automatically download the required container images (opens new window) for Pomerium and verify (opens new window). Then, Pomerium will run with the configuration details set in the previous steps.

You should now be able access to the routes (e.g. https://verify.localhost.pomerium.io) as specified in your policy file.

You can also navigate to the special pomerium endpoint verify.localhost.pomerium.io/.pomerium/ to see your current user details.

currently logged in user

# Next Steps

Now you can experiment with adding services to Docker and defining routes and policies for them in Pomerium. See Guides for help or inspiration.

This is a test environment!

If you followed all the steps in this doc your Pomerium environment is not using trusted certificates. Remember to use a valid certificate solution before moving this configuration to a production environment. See Certificates for more information.

Last Updated: 1/11/2022, 6:36:47 PM

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Pomerium is a registered trademark.