# Install Pomerium Enterprise in Helm

This document covers installing Pomerium Enterprise into your existing helm-managed Kubernetes cluster. It's designed to work with an existing cluster running Pomerium, as described im Pomerium using Helm. Follow that document before continuing here.

# Before You Begin

Pomerium Enterprise requires:

  • An accessible RDBMS. We support PostgreSQL 9+.
    • A database and user with full permissions for it.
  • A certificate management solution. This page will assume a store of certificates using cert-manager (opens new window) as the solution. If you use another certificate solution, adjust the steps accordingly.
  • An existing Pomerium installation. If you don't already have open-source Pomerium installed in your cluster, see Pomerium using Helm before you continue.

# System Requirements

One of the advantages of a Kubernetes deployment is automatic scaling, but if your database or redis solution is outside of your k8s configuration, refer to the requirements below:

  • Each Postgres instance should have at least:
    • 4 vCPUs
    • 8G RAM
    • 20G for data files
  • Each Redis instance should have at least:
    • 2 vCPUs
    • 4G RAM
    • 20G for data files

# Issue a Certificate

This setup assumes an existing certificate solution using cert-manager, as described in Pomerium using Helm. If you already have a different certificate solution, create and implement a certificate for pomerium-console.pomerium.svc.cluster.local. Then you can move on to the next stage.

  1. Create a certificate configuration file for Pomerium Enterprise Our example is named pomerium-console-certificate.yaml:

    apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
    kind: Certificate
      name: pomerium-console-cert
      namespace: pomerium
      secretName: pomerium-console-tls
        name: pomerium-issuer
        kind: Issuer
        - pomerium-console.pomerium.svc.cluster.local
  2. Apply the required certificate configurations, and confirm:

    kubectl apply -f pomerium-console-certificate.yaml
    kubectl get certificate
    NAME                    READY   SECRET                 AGE
    pomerium-cert           True    pomerium-tls           92m
    pomerium-console-cert   True    pomerium-console-tls   6s
    pomerium-redis-cert     True    pomerium-redis-tls     92m

# Update Pomerium

  1. Set your local context to your Pomerium namespace:

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=pomerium
  2. Open your pomerium values file. If you followed Pomerium Using Helm, the file is named pomerium-values.yaml. In the config section, set a list item in the routes block for the Enterprise Console:

        - from: https://console.localhost.pomerium.com
          to: https://pomerium-console.pomerium.svc.cluster.local
            - allow:
                  - domain:
                      is: companydomain.com
          pass_identity_headers: true
  3. If you haven't already, set generateSigningKey as false, and set a static signingKey value to be shared with the Enterprise Console. See Reference: Signing Key for information on generating a key:

     generateSigningKey: false
     signingKey: "LR0tMS1BRUdHTiBFQ...."

    If signingKey wasn't already set, delete the generated pomerium-signing-key secret and restart the pomerium-authorize deployment:

    kubectl delete secret pomerium-signing-key
    kubectl rollout restart deployment pomerium-authorize
  4. Use Helm to update your Pomerium installation:

    helm upgrade --install pomerium pomerium/pomerium --values=./pomerium-values.yaml

# Install Pomerium Enterprise

  1. Create pomerium-console-values.yaml as shown below, replacing placeholder values:

      type: pg
      username: pomeriumDbUser
      name: pomeriumDbName
      sslmode: require
      sharedSecret: #Shared with Pomerium
      databaseEncryptionKey:  #Generate from "head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64"
      administrators: "youruser@yourcompany.com" #This is a hard-coded access, remove once setup is complete
      signingKey: "ZZZZZZZ" #This base64-encoded key is shared with open-source Pomerium
      audience: console.localhost.pomerium.com # This should match the "from" value in your Pomerium route, excluding protocol.
      licenseKey: "XXXYYYYZZZZ" # This should be provided by your account team.
      existingCASecret: pomerium-tls
      caSecretKey: ca.crt
      existingSecret: pomerium-console-tls
      generate: false
      pullUsername: pomerium/enterprise
      pullPassword: your-access-key
  2. The Pomerium repository should already be in your Helm configuration per Pomerium using Helm. If not, add it now:

    helm repo add pomerium https://helm.pomerium.io
    helm repo update
  3. Install Pomerium Enterprise:

    helm install pomerium-console pomerium/pomerium-console --values=pomerium-console-values.yaml
  4. If you haven't configured a public DNS record for your Pomerium domain space, you can use kubectl to generate a local proxy:

    sudo -E kubectl --namespace pomerium port-forward service/pomerium-proxy 443:443
  5. When visiting https://console.localhost.pomerium.io, you should see the Traffic:

    The Traffic List page after installing Pomerium Enterprise

# Troubleshooting

# Updating Service Types:

If, while updating the open-source Pomerium values, you change any block's service.type you may need to manually delete corresponding service before applying the new configuration. For example:

kubectl delete svc pomerium-proxy

# Generate Recovery Token

In the event that you lose access to the console via delegated access (the policy defined in Pomerium), there exists a fallback procedure to regain access to the console via a generated recovery token.

Pomerium Enterprise Recovery Sign In

To generate a token, run the pomerium-console generate-recovery token command with the following flags:

Flag Description
--database-encryption-key base64-encoded encryption key for encrypting sensitive data in the database.
--database-url The database to connect to (default "postgresql://pomerium:pomerium@localhost:5432/dashboard?sslmode=disable").
--namespace The namespace to use (default "9d8dbd2c-8cce-4e66-9c1f-c490b4a07243" for Global).
--out Where to save the JWT. If not specified, it will be printed to stdout.
--ttl The amount of time before the recovery token expires. Requires a unit (example: 30s, 5m).


You can run the pomerium-console binary from any device with access to the database.

Last Updated: 3/22/2022, 5:44:15 PM

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Pomerium is a registered trademark.